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Shawn Guardian of the Black Flame


This character was created for one of Aron Clark's D&D Holmes games. He has been exploring the mega dungeon of  "Morthimion" by Gabor Lux. Shawn is a young human magic-user and the rest of the party members are:

Ekhart the Faceless, male human cleric of Phieran (Shawn's henchmen) 
Rakol, male human fighter (Peter)
Crystal, female human magic-user (Rakol's henchmen)
Kolbrand, male human thief (Rakol's henchmen)
Tark, dwarf fighter (Stu)
Chunn, male fighter/thief (Tark's henchmen)
Modicum, male elf (Randall)
Boraks, male human fighter (Modicum's henchmen)

He carries a staff with a magical black candle found in Morthimion's dungeons. Its flame never extinguishes and within its light he can se the aura of magical objects.

S 8, I 15, W 6, D 8, C 9, Ch 8

We also went through "Fane of the Poisoned Prophesies" by Guy Fullerton and "The Hyqueous Vaults" also by Fullerton and others like Allan T. Grohe, Jr.

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